Aug 25, 2015 | Accounting, Investments, News, Savings, Uncategorized, Wealth Management
Have we been spoiled? The answer to this question is most definitely, YES! Historically, market corrections happen twice a year on average. We have not had a real market correction since 2009, so we have been due for this correction for some time. There have been...
Jul 2, 2015 | Accounting, Investments, Savings, Tips, Uncategorized, Wealth Management
How to Build an Emergency Fund (and Why You Need One) by Kristin Wong via TwoCents You’ve probably heard of an emergency fund. It’s a small cushion of savings to help you stay afloat in case of a financial crisis. For some emergencies, it also helps to...
Apr 30, 2015 | Accounting, Investments, News, Savings, Tips, Uncategorized, Wealth Management
One-third have almost no retirement savings via USA Today Many people are woefully unprepared financially for retirement, and they shouldn’t count on working longer to make up the difference, a new national survey reveals. Almost a third of workers (28%) say...
Apr 23, 2015 | Accounting, Investments, Savings, Tips, Uncategorized, Wealth Management
via TwoCents How to Read Your Investment Statements (and Actually Understand Them) You probably have money invested in a 401k or IRA, but maybe you have no idea how to actually read your investment statements. There are a lot of confusing numbers and jargon...
Mar 23, 2015 | Accounting, Investments, News, Savings, Tips, Uncategorized, Wealth Management
via MSN Money/ Marketwatch An important deadline is fast approaching for people required to tap their retirement savings for the first time. And at least one set of numbers indicates that many investors could miss it. If you turned age 70½ at any point in 2014, you...