Aug 25, 2015 | Accounting, Investments, News, Savings, Uncategorized, Wealth Management
Have we been spoiled? The answer to this question is most definitely, YES! Historically, market corrections happen twice a year on average. We have not had a real market correction since 2009, so we have been due for this correction for some time. There have been...
May 8, 2015 | Accounting, Investments, News, Tips, Uncategorized, Wealth Management
We’d like to share with you a bond market update from one of our bond managers, Tom Dalpiaz, at Granite Springs Asset Management LLC. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions! April Municipal Bond Review Time to Dip Your Toe in the Ocean...
Dec 17, 2014 | Accounting, Investments, News, Tips, Uncategorized, Wealth Management
via State of the Markets What To Expect From Falling Oil Prices by Robert Barone, (Ph.D., Economics, Georgetown University) U.S. equity markets appear to be reacting as if there won’t be enough oil. The fact is, at least temporarily, there appears to be more...
Jun 12, 2014 | Investments, News
Recent instability in some oil-producing regions threatens to “knock some production offline”; however, in less politically perilous zones, drillers are profiting. Political turmoil in Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, and Libya have companies like Exxon and BP...